When a hand has been dealt and displayed on the screen, you may select either Cancel to abandon the hand, Specify Contract to set the contract and declarer without conducting an auction, or Bid Hand to conduct an auction in the normal way. You may also change the dealer and vulnerability before bidding starts, using the pop-up menus provided. During the auction, a table of all possible bids is displayed. Bids which are below the current level or otherwise not available are greyed out. When it is your turn to bid, just click once on the button displaying the bid you wish to make. When the auction is over, you may select either Cancel to abandon the hand, Specify Opening Lead to select the opening lead for defense if you are declarer, or Play Hand to proceed with the play as normal. When it is your turn to play, simply click once on the card you wish to play. (If you have only one legal card, the program plays it for you automatically.) After every trick, the program pauses and shows the cards played. Click anywhere in the window or press RETURN to continue. When the hand is over, the program displays the result (Contract Made, 1 Overtrick, etc.) in the center of the window. Because it is not easy to return to this point if you click the mouse inadvertently, this time you do need to click in the `OK' button or press RETURN. What happens next depends on which part of the program you are in, and what options you have selected. See the descriptions of the various parts of the program (Bridge Baron, Bridge Match, Sheinwold BDe Challenges, or Personal Play Library) for more information.